Friday, June 5

top three

Trev rockin' to the xylophone with his top three favorite songs.

He's loving the ABCs and usually wants to go solo when he sings them. He always says, "No, I do it by yourself," if I try to sing along.

A while ago, we were in the car and Trevor was crying to get home. David thought that a good distraction would be for Trevor to sing the ABCs - it worked. We were almost to the neighborhood, he sang until we got there and there were no more tears. After a few times of using that strategy, Trevor now begins singing his ABCs as soon as we get on the road, thinking that when he's done we might be where we are supposed to go. I hear the ABCs a lot! But with crying as the alternative, I'll take it!


George and Caralee said...

CLICK IT! That was so darn adorable it made this old LEELEE cry!! I CANNOT wait to see you and hear it all in person!

Unknown said...

BRING HIM TO BOISE!!!!! He is so adorable. I miss all of you!!! We need some more belly pics.