The craziness of the holiday season has kicked in and we're going full speed ahead into
2008! But before this year slips away, we have
many thanks to give for the wonderful things in our lives. This year we added a brilliant light to our lives -
little Trevor! He's turned our lives upside down, and we're loving it. I have had the blessing to be able to
work from home so that I can be there for Trevor, but still do a job I love (not to mention earn a little $). It's something I'm grateful for every day. David enjoys working for a fantastic company with
the nicest people. We live in the shadows of the most
beautiful mountains. Most of all, I'm grateful for
our families! What did we do to deserve being surrounded by such
wonderful people who inspire us to be better every day?!? For any of you who are reading this - we love you very much!
I'm so glad that the Lord knows what I need and that He has blessed me with David - a loving husband and friend. He is everything to me and I love him!
This year, due to the dwindling number of family members in town (just us and Kim) over the Thanksgiving Holiday, we decided that the whole 9 yards of making a dinner was just not worth the trouble. So, we saddled up and rode out to the nearest Chuck-O-Rama. We had a tasty turkey dinner, without the fuss OR the leftovers, which would have undoubtedly resulted in the gain of an extra 5 holiday lbs.
We introduced Trev to the traditional Turkey Day grub, but he wasn't really into it.... Mashed potatoes are just not his thing!

He did, however, dig the sugar free raspberry apple juice!

Awwww, so sweet. Overall, Chuck-O-Rama was a real hit - a holiday memory to go down in the record books. See ya'll there next year! (Seriously!)