Tuesday, October 23

Office Mates

Trevor and I are lucky enough to spend our days together working at home. I'm trying to get my work done, and he's trying to do anything he can to keep me from reaching that goal. I thought things would be different than it was in an office now that I'm working from home, but I'm finding....

There's still that office mate who's messing with your stuff and trying to show you how to do your job.......
The one who is always poking their head in your office just to chat, when you really just need to finish what you're working on.....

The one who chews on the arm of your chair and spits at you (okay, maybe not! but this little office mate does) .....(This is Trevor's favorite trick now, he's always spitting. When he first learned how to do it his face would get all red because he was blowing so hard. He's figured out it doesn't take all that effort and is now it's an effortless feat.)

Working from home definitely has its perks. I have the cutest office mate in the world!
I took this last photo on the camera in my computer. Trevor loves this camera because it works like a mirror and he can see himself in the computer. He can't help being into his reflection -- he's so good looking and all!

1 comment:

brittani c. said...

Melissa! It's so good to hear from you! And your little boy (oh, my heavens!) is darling...I loved the pics. I haven't had a lot of time to read a lot of blogs, so I know I would have eventually run across your blog...it's good to see what you've been up to our editing days. :)