Another one of my resolutions this year was to run a 1/2 marathon. After watching Carin run the half last year and Danelle and David do the relay I really wanted to do it this year. I'm so glad I did it. Exercising makes me (at least in my opinion) a happier mom and wife, so the training was great. (I guess if you want the real-life truth about that you can ask David!) Plus, I got to know a few girls in my ward better because they were running, too, and we got together in the evenings to run. Plus a couple of them ended up doing the relay. It was so motivating to see them out on the trail running and doing an awesome job. So, my last 1/2 was before Trevor was born and my time was near 2:50. This time I got 2:23. I really enjoyed the whole race - I was tired and sore during/afterwards, but I had a great time. David and the boys were there waiting for me at the finish line and Trevor helped me finish the last 10 feet or so. He was awesome! :) He mostly just wanted to get some water from the water table just beyond the finish line. As soon as we crossed the line - Mo-o-om (has to be 3 syllables) we need some water!
My next challenge? I'm not sure. Probably not a marathon - I'm not crazy! Maybe try to improve my time in the 1/2. I do want to try a TRI sometime, I just don't have a bike. But maybe I'll have to work on that....
Way to go Melissa! I am impressed! That is so cute that Trevor joined you at the end!
That is so awesome. Way to go Mel. I'm so proud of you. Miss you to death. Love ya
You're the bomb!!!! Good job on your 1/2! Good for you. I feel the same way about being a better/happier person with exercise! :)
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