Carving pumpkins was a sensory adventure for Trevor. It was the first time David and I had done it at least since we were married. David seems to think he's never carved one before, but I'm sure that can't be true! We had lots of fun.
A spooky face for Trevor, the photographer. (This can also count for a threat to David if he continues to edit himself out of my pictorial family memories.)
Trevor's spooky face, much cuter than mine!
Trick or Treat! It took a little convincing to get Trevor out the door on Halloween because he had a lot of fun handing out candy to the kids coming to the door. But once we were out he had lots of fun, trying to tag along with other kids he saw. He'd keep asking random kids - "Wait for me!" and "Where you going?" He asked a lady at her door, "Where's your daddy?" Someone called "Hey you guys, hurry up!" to her kids and Trevor had no problem bossing them around, "Hey guys, hurry up!"
LOVE the Y pumpkin!
yes, i agree with the other comment, great pumpkins! but i liked your scray faces even more:) I love how you described trevor bossing the other kids and how he asked a lady who her daddy was--i litterally lol'd:) anyways, Im glad you are blogging again, welcome back:)
love, Rebekah
Sheer joy. That Trevor man is just a delight! Save the loot and bring it to LeeLee's!!! As if it will last!
Spencer looks more like Trevor every time I see him!
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