Trevor's face is dirty in pretty much every picture I have! Plus, he keeps licking his lips because it's so dry here so even if his face was clean, it would still look funny!
Wednesday, November 25
fun times
Trevor's face is dirty in pretty much every picture I have! Plus, he keeps licking his lips because it's so dry here so even if his face was clean, it would still look funny!
Thursday, November 19
Wednesday, November 18
Wednesday, November 4
I also wanted to add....
And, it's blurry and slobbery, but oh so cute. Spencer is our little turtle, popping his head up with his newly buff neck muscles. :) I keep thinking he's going through a growth spurt, and I guess I'm right... It's been going on for every single day of his 3 1/2 month life. I keep wondering if/when he'll get as chubby as Trevor was?
More Halloween Fun...
Carving pumpkins was a sensory adventure for Trevor. It was the first time David and I had done it at least since we were married. David seems to think he's never carved one before, but I'm sure that can't be true! We had lots of fun.
A spooky face for Trevor, the photographer. (This can also count for a threat to David if he continues to edit himself out of my pictorial family memories.)
Trevor's spooky face, much cuter than mine!
Trick or Treat! It took a little convincing to get Trevor out the door on Halloween because he had a lot of fun handing out candy to the kids coming to the door. But once we were out he had lots of fun, trying to tag along with other kids he saw. He'd keep asking random kids - "Wait for me!" and "Where you going?" He asked a lady at her door, "Where's your daddy?" Someone called "Hey you guys, hurry up!" to her kids and Trevor had no problem bossing them around, "Hey guys, hurry up!"
Sunday, October 25
whatever dude, mama
David and I are getting used to having our two boys around and are lucky to have a very happy, content 3-month-old. Trevor has, in many ways, gone to the dark side of the terrible twos, but is also a really funny, sweet, exciting boy to be around.
Trevor's playing a lot of soccer and football these days and yelling things like: Boo-ya to you, mama, Boo-ya! and Whatever dude, mama! He is sure that whatever he drinks/eats is going to make him faster and stronger (thanks to what his uncle Ryan taught him).
Spencer is a big fan of sucking on his fingers and is a quiet little baby. I'm thinking he's going to be like his daddy. He's still got those cute dimples and has a huge smile that I love. I can't wait for all you guys to see him when we visit next month!!
With our buddies from church. Carin, Danelle, and I are doing a little ABC school for the kids where we take turns having the kids over for a little preschool/playtime. We're basing our topics each day on a letter from the alphabet. A was apples at Carin's house and the kids read 10 Apples Up On Top, made applesauce cookies, stamped bags with paint and stamps made from real apples, glued tissue onto a picture of an apple, and made a little notebook to put all their ABC school papers in.
B was at our house and we learned about Bodies. We traced their bodies on paper (I had planned on doing it outside with chalk, but we got like 3 inches of rain), made a body parts collage, ate sandwiches cut w/a gingerbread cookie cutter, read books, blew bubbles and popped them with different body parts, and had lots of fun. I taught them to feel their heart beat by putting their hand over their hearts. Since then, Trevor has come up to me a few times, short of breath from running, to tell me that he feels his heart beeping. Again, I just don't have the heart to correct it because it's too cute. I'm excited for him to be learning and having fun with his cousins. I think he's excited, too! Trevor is pretty unpredictable when it comes to taking naps. He just won't go down some days, and sometimes when he does he'll be up like 3 times in the night. (Very annoying when you have a 3mo who is finally sleeping through the night!) Dinner time is one of the more challenging times for me with 2 kids. I still don't have it figured out and most of the time we are just eating something quick and easy. Cereal anyone? Here, Trevor fell asleep waiting for dinner to be put on the table. He just couldn't make it any longer and we couldn't wake him up once it was ready.
We took a trip to Old McDonald's Farm out in Humble with our playgroup. Trevor LOVED the train and took 3 rides. It was a good time and Spencer was pretty good to let me drag him around all day. They have playground equipment (Trevor played his first tetherball today - that brings back memories!) and a big petting zoo, a train, pony rides, a pumpkin patch.... It's just a lot of fun for a two year old boy.
He got pretty nervous petting most of the animlas but was a BIG fan of the rabbits.
He liked the donkey, too, for some reason.
I was sure that we would wait in line for the donkey, for Trevor to just walk away too scared to get on. He was pretty nervous when he first got on, but at the end he was all smiles. I still am in a little disbelief that he got up there. It was so much fun to watch him ride.
Trevor and some of his playgroup buddies. We have so much fun with them!
The train....
Oops tiny pictures, well this is Trevor looking quite nervous about this pony ride.