Trevor and I had lots of fun with Lee Lee! Since we dropped her off at the airport this morning he has walked around the house a couple of times calling her name. When he woke up from his nap he was especially concerned that she was not there. Life for him is just so boring without her here!
He was initially shy when Grandma and Grandpa came to visit, but could not resist Lee Lee's enticements. He even fell asleep and took a 2 hour nap on her lap, which he would never do for me no matter how hard I have tried! We had too, too much fun going shopping, eating out, taking Trevor swimming, to the splash pad, to the Learning Tree, on the carousel, etc.

Singing into the paper towel tube - he will never tire of this one; we've done it a few times today. Gee, thanks Lee Lee! :0)


Showing off his speed at the play place.

Mom taught Trevor this cute little trick....
We miss Lee Lee already!
That is so darn cute!!!!! I love the....who's so cute!! Give Trev a big squeeze for me!!!!!
I miss you too! The week was a dream come true and I can't wait to have here in Boise with us in Nov.
I love you all so much!
He's such a cute kid.
Trevor you are soooo cute...and so big! We are excited to see you soon!
Trevor is sooo cute!
mel- I can not believe how darling your son is...i can tell he is gonna be a little johnson heart breaker like you were! so fun that caralee could come glad to see you doing well:)
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