I never really claimed August as my favorite month, but this year it seems obvious that it has to be. My birthday was August 4th and what a great day it was. The best birthdays are the ones that last a few days long. I have to thank Carin and Danelle for making this happen on my birthday weekend by taking me out to do a little shopping at Michael's and then chocolate fondue at The Melting Pot. YUM! It was amazing - my favorite combo was to dip strawberries and bananas in the Yin/Yang white chocolate/dark chocolate fondue. We also tried one with toasted marshmallow, milk chocolate, and Oreo cookies.
Then on the 4th, some girls from my ward got together for a little pot luck, playgroup and birthday cake. Sure, the person who was supposed to give me a ride forgot about me and I arrived to my own birthday party about 45 minutes late, but it makes for a good story and was pretty funny so it almost made it better that way.
Next up in my own little August Rush is the SHERYL CROW CONCERT on Aug 14th. I'm so excited - it's going to be outdoors and on the grass.... Can't wait!!!!
Then on Aug 16th is David and my 5th anniversary. We don't have any plans for that, really, but it's exciting. We have had a great 5 years with lots of fun and a beautiful baby boy to show for it. Not too shabby!
Second to last in my favorite month of the year is on Aug 20th - my parents are making a trip to Houston. I can't wait for them to see where we live, the house, neighborhood, sights, etc. It will just be good to spend time with them and for them to get to know Trevor again - we can't wait! Plus I just can't wait to give my mom a huge hug and hang out.
Then, Aug 30th is the BYU football season opener, which I will be watching ALONE (sad!). But David will be having a great time with the fam in NYC and I'm so glad that he gets to go and experience all of that and celebrate Barbara's retirement!
So here's to my favorite month! :)