Happy Halloween everyone!

Every year at work we have a huge Halloween party for all the kids. We’re talking 60 adults decking out head to toe in costumes ranging from hideous to hilarious. Everyone gets together with their department and comes up with a theme for their costumes and office decorations. Each group keeps their theme a secret until the day or two before Halloween. One day you’ll walk into the office and find an entire room plastered with butcher paper ceiling to floor and totally decked out in out of this world decorations all over the place! One group made a giant paper mache Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall, another made Rapunzel’s tower, and the grand

prize winning group created Gotham City complete with pitch-black bat cave and Alfred the Butler. It’s crazy and so much fun for the kids (not to mention the crazy adults that I work with!).
Mallorie, Rachel, Emily, Leslie
Anyway, my department dressed up as various villains and decorated our offices as a villains’ hangout. I dressed up as Cruella DeVil – nasty wig and all. I know, you’re thinking you’ve never seen a more stylish Cruella. Apparently the costume judges hadn’t either. They awarded me a prize for “Most Stylish Costume.” (Probably because I wear jeans and a tshirt every time I'm there!)
Of course, Cruella must have a puppy to make her costume complete…. Our little Dalmation is too cute, eh? He loves crawling around in that little costume. The along with his latest, funny little sticky-out tongue face that he has been making lately made him absolutely irresistible (a video of this is forthcoming). He didn’t seem phased by the scary costumes or my crazy wig and makeup.
Trevor had a fabulous time. Here he is sampling candy(i.e. drooling all over and chewing on the wrapper).

His best pal Parker came to do some trick-or-treating. Aren't they the cutest cousins??

At home that night, we had a grand total of 3 trick-or-treaters. It was a quiet night. But here was our favorite bunch. All the way from the Land of Oz.
PJ, Laura, and Parker
Amongst all the Halloween excitement little Trevor cut his first tooth! It actually poked through on Tuesday. He was a real trooper!
trevor looks so cute and so do you!!! :)
The Paul Jones Family are adorable!! And I must say that young Master Jones is the cutest Dalmatin puppy known to man!!Or gramma!!!
I can't wait to come visit!
What a cute idea Mel, you two were adorable!
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