Last week we went to Humble - a little day out in the country for city slickers like us. Trevor and Spencer fed the animals, rode the little train and the ponies, and played with their friends on a huge pile of dirt. What could be more fun!?
**the pictures didn't work! so here's a slideshow of what I thought I was posting the other day!**
Trevor, Avery, and Ben on the train.

Spence on the pony. He didn't hesitate to saddle up, but when the horse stopped to stretch his legs, Spence got a little nervous.
Some sad little deer roaming the grounds.
Petting him was quite a thrill!
Feeding the sheep - Spencer got a little close with his bag and one of the sheep snatched it from him. I was lucky enough to swipe it back before he got away with it. Sneaky little things!
They had a few large playgrounds on the farm as well - lots of room for the kids to run and get dirty. When we got home I was dumping sand/dirt out of pockets and shoes and everywhere else. But the looks on those faces? No words can describe, really!
Again, no words!
The boys were pretty curious about this guy. Who wouldn't be - he's pretty funny lookin!
Our final train ride of the day.
We were a hot, dirty mess by the end of the day, but got to take home our very own pumpkins for a souvenir.
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