Typing out a whole bloggy message thingy and then having it dissappear before my eyes is not a very nice welcome back after being away for so long! Annoying.... But anyway! I've been completely absent from my online world for quite a while now - Missing out on what's going on with many of my friends/family out there in the world with growing families and ever changing lives. It's great, but sad that there are so many things that I want to do and only so much that I can or actually go the extra mile to accomplish. For a while I was not blogging because I was writing in my journal fairly regularly, but eventually I got totally off track. So what I have been doing in my absence is trying to figure out how to be a cub scout leader, cutting open my foot and getting stitches, sewing and hot gluing to get ready for a craft show, trying to save money w/coupons, playing with the cutest little boys in the world, coddling poor David through a rough start to the BYU football season, NOT cleaning my house, watching too much TV and loving most of it, having a fabulous Monday each week with my Houston sisters, and finally enjoying some nice weather after a Houston summer.
So what now? Probably do another craft show... I still have things to sell and I better at least break even! I've signed up for another 1/2 on Nov 20th, so lots of running. Keep trying to figure out this Scouting stuff! Clean my house (it has to happen eventually!). Hopefully stay better connected. And get ready for the HOLIDAYS. Yes! So excited. My first step was putting up these awesome letters I made with Carin and Danelle. I love them. It says give thanks in case you can't tell. I have plenty to be thankful for!

My blankie boys.

Spencer Monkey

Trevor Bear
Yay! I was so excited to see a post from you! I'm glad things are going well . . . your boys are cute as ever! I love your whole fireplace display and the colors and everything. Miss you!
THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting. The pics are wonderful, and I WANT your fireplace ideas. Really cute. Missing you but on the countdown for you and your sweet family to get here for the holidays! And of course, can hardly wait for Elder J!!!!
Love you!
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