Trevor just loungin' watching some TV one morning. He sometimes lays down in front of the TV like David used to when he was little (or so I hear); anyway, I'm pretty sure it's just in his DNA. :0)
I'm trying to put a few changes into place with my baby boy before he becomes the big brother. We just started out with a big boy bed, which hasn't been too bad yet. When he was in his crib about half the time he would cry and cry so I would end up in the rocking chair until he finally fell asleep in his crib. So the past few nights I've been in the same spot, he's just moved to his toddler bed. For naps it's a little scarier, so I have just used the strategy of exhausting him to the point where he passes out in my arms during our reading/singing pre-nap. But sooner or later I'll have to just lay him down and let him fall asleep on his own. We'll see! Last night I tried just closing the door and walking away. He didn't leave the room, but he did knock on the door forever saying "Mommy, where are you?" and then he just passed out on the floor right in front of the door. It could be (and probably will!) worse. So, I'm feeling okay about our start.
But Trev has also been helping me a lot around the house. He will to run to the kitchen and grab a towel if there is ever a spill. Although when he first figured out this pattern of events I'm pretty sure we had a couple of intentional spills just for the thrill/praise of the clean up. He enjoys doing the dishes and I actually really like it too, even though I still have to redo the silverware when he's done. I got just a little tiny clip of him helping out. These days it's almost impossible to get video/pictures of him without him going after the camera/screaming to look at the picture. But notice that he has grouped all the knives and pulled them out at once. So organized - I don't know where he gets that from, but it's cute!
No matter how big he gets, he'll always be my little baby boy. This is us having a little nap/snuggle the other day.
Trevor IS getting so big! He is adorable! I bet he will have fun helping mommy with the new baby also! Thanks for the update on little Trev. We love to see what he is up to and Parker likes to see pictures!
WOW did I need that today! It was a rough one and I am so glad that I got to see all those BEEUUTIFUL pics of my boy! He is such a big boy and did I say he must be a GENIUS!! He's so smart.
I CANNOT wait to come in March and PLAY PLAY and PLAY some more!
Love to you all!
Melissa! You're pregnant? When are you due? Do you know what you're having yet??? Your little man is soooo cute!!!!!
Good luck with everything, Melissa. The switch to a toddler bed can be tough. I swear by the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." It has been my sanity through many phases of kids and sleeping and changes. Hope you are feeling well!
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