We are finally "settled" in Houston. David has had his first week (and now a couple of days) at work and seems to be liking it. (As far as we can tell from the bits and pieces we wrestle out of him!)
Since we arrived we have been staying with David's sister Carin and her family. It is a lot of fun, though we just hope that we haven't already worn out our welcome! So we are here, but not really at home or settled yet. Trevor just loves his cousins and has so much fun walking them to the bus stop in the morning, then going outside to greet them when they get off the bus. Lauren has so much energy; every afternoon she's the 1st one off the bus and sprints all the way down to the house waving and shouting "Melissa! Trevor! Mom! Madsie!" It's pretty cute.
On the first day we were here we had a BBQ at the park - although now I'm told that those are called "cook outs" so we'll have to get the lingo down. Trevor was hilarious! Usually he has been pretty apprehensive about slides and playground equipment, but his new idol, Brandon, was out playing and I think he just wanted to be like the big boys. So he climbed all around and did the slides and everything. The first slide, he went down with Brandon. (I was a little nervous, but just figured I'd have to go with it.... He can't be my little baby forever!) Then the next time he went down, I put him up there and tried to position him, but he was too quick. He went down face-first before I could catch him. I couldn't even get him to sit long enough to get a good video of it. HE LOVED IT! I couldn't believe it.

I still have this overwhelming sense of gratitude for everyone who continues to support us! I am so grateful to Barbara for making the long drive with us and just being the best mother in law in the world. She has always made me feel like one of her own, and I look up to her so much for the way she loves and supports everyone around her. And to Julie for making a 24 hour trip in TWO days with David - you're the best Jules! Not to mention the time it took to travel to SLC and then back to Cali! Trevor also loved the story time.

We are also so grateful to the Hae Haes for letting us stay with them and interrupting their normal routine. We can't thank you enough!!!!!