These pictures are mostly just of the boys at various points in the month where not much was happening, but the camera came out. The beach was so much fun! I glanced back at the past few weeks in my journal and realized that almost every weekend we get to hang out with the Straws or the HaeHaes and we have so much fun! Plus, each week the boys and I get together with Carin and Danelle and the kids. I'm glad Trevor gets to know his cousins and loves them so much.
I had to write about a few of the pictures... Lately Trevor has been exercising his ever-developing sense independence, attitude, self-expression or whatever you might want to call it. I just think it's naughtiness. And one of the hardest parts, is he is so silly that he's laughing through most of the drama that, to me, is SO frustrating and maddening and his laughter just gets me more worked up. But, in a culmination of a week or so of timeouts and frustration and eventual yelling (I wish I could say that the yelling was only from him...), we had a battle one night over bedtime. So after a long night of trying to get him to sleep I went in to check on him and finally found this...
Thank goodness for a good night's sleep and a new day, every day, to develop that ever-elusive virtue I wish I could hurry up and perfect already - PATIENCE. Luckily for Trevor, and me, he seems to have declared a truce lately and seems back to his happy self. He looks so sweet in this picture and I love kissing his forehead at night and then waking up to a contagiously happy little guy every morning.
Here are the boys in the toys. They're usually good at playing next to each other. As Spencer gets more active and opinionated I'm sure it will not be as peaceful, but it was a good mom moment to come in and see them playing like this.
I don't really like this picture, but it demonstrates a phenomenon that occurs quite frequently throughout the day.... I have two little bodies sitting and climbing all over me! We don't have a large house by any means, but surely we don't have to all be on the same couch cushion to be happy? The death grip on my arm says it all.... We have some serious mama's boys in this house! And I'd be lying if I said I wanted it any other way.